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Privacy Policy

The security and protection of all personal information and data collected by Testan Law (the "Firm") is vital in guaranteeing the continued trust that we maintain as our client's law firm of choice. 

The policy below pertains to the collection of information and how that personal and private information is maintained, managed and, upon a written verified consumer request, removed. 

Personal Information and Data Collected

Testan Law collects information, which identifies, relates to, or is associated directly or indirectly with a consumer or device containing personal information.

Personal information may include; (1) identifiers such as names, addresses, internet information or personal identification such as driver’s license and Social Security numbers; (2) personal information identified under California Customer Record Statute section 1798.80; (3) information relating to protected groups or classes such as those under the Fair Employment and Housing Act and the Americans With Disabilities Act; (4) commercial information; (5) geographical information; (6) employment information; or (7) educational records.

The Firm acquires personal information from various sources including directly from the individual or organization, clients or agents of clients, publicly sourced information, and third parties that interact with the Firm or the Firm's clients as part of the services, which the Firm provides.

Protection of Personal Information

Testan Law considers the protection of personal information essential to its mission statement representing its clients and therefore has implemented appropriate security measures to protect the personal information, including two-step verification, minimized access, and managed accessibility.

Accessibility to Personal Information

Testan Law does not sell, rent, lease or provide mailing lists or other customer data to third parties and will not make such information, including personal information, available to any non-affiliated entities except as to the following:

  • Agents or other third party entities may utilize the information on our behalf.
  • Communication with a nonaffiliated attorney or third party who performs services which are to benefit the client.
  • Information required by law including that of public safety or policy required under rules of professional conduct or similar in the states in which Testan Law provides services.

Removal or Amending Personal Information and Data, Including Future Communications

Testan Law recognizes that your personal information is important to you and, as a result, you may wish to remove having personal information collected. If you wish to delete, amend, or opt out of any of your personal information, which the Firm has collected and retained in our database, please provide a verified consumer request. Once the firm has received the verified consumer request, we will address whether any exceptions, including legal obligations to retain the personal information by law, statute or duty to our clients, as part of our responsibility in carrying out professional legal services. After review for exceptions, you will be contacted as to whether or not we can comply and if we can comply, the date in which compliance will be completed 

Changes or Modifications to Testan Law's Privacy Notice

Testan Law reserves the right to amend this privacy notice at our discretion and at any time. If a change to this privacy notice shall occur, it will be followed with the appropriate notice of the change on our website, keeping that notification available on the website for a minimum of 60 days. 

If you have any additional questions or concerns related to the statement and/or practices, please contact us at:

Testan Law
31330 Oak Crest Dr.
Westlake Village, CA 91361